Did you know ?.that the state of origin was on yesterday. New south wales vs Queensland they had a very tough game on the first minute nsw and qld were coming a tie. All the nsw supporters were standing out of there chairs and cheering for nsw they were saying go nsw go go. Then qld kicked it off
Jarryd hayne catch the ball then he ran straight to sam thaiday and then he tackled him to the floor. On the fifth minute nsw had a plan they did dummy cuts and some offloads James maloney cut Jarryd hayne then Jarryd hayne broke the line then he got the nsw first try
Then James maloney got the conversion in and the first half was over. They had a lot of time to think what to do on the second as they got out they were looking confident. I knew that nsw is going to win this it was just a few minute then Michael jennings broke through 5 defenders and he got a beautiful try then he did a nice surrender to the crowd
Then James maloney got the conversion kick in the score was 14 - 0 It was down to the qld to get a try all ouse they might lose by 0 then the nsw were holding them up then cameron smith nearly got a try but then he did a double movement lucky they didn’t get a try because if they got a try then it will be 14-6.
It was a very tough game the nsw were holding them up until the 60th minute. Then Billy slater nearly got a try but then Andrew fifita tackled him then picked him back up then tackled him and then he did it again until he got a penalty. Then Greg inglis nearly got a try then he offloaded it to Darius boyd then he got the qld first try. Then Cameron smith got his conversion kick in then the game was over.
Then I said go the nsw
Hi Nela,
That was a awesome story that you wrote. I liked the way you described every single bit of what happened during the game. It would of been awesome if NSW beat QSL 14 nill. But QSL got the last try. GO NSW!!!
Keep up the great work buddy!!!
Hi taniela
did you watch the round of Ql vs NSW.GO NSW!
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